Sunday, August 15, 2010


On NPR's Morning Edition Thursday, there was a report of a group of concerned folks in St. Louis who raised $15K in donations and headed off to the Gulf to "Stimulate the Economy." I was absolutely amazed by what I heard. Essentially, they went on vacation to the Gulf, spending the money on meals, motels and souvenirs. I don't know about other folks, but to me it sounds like a group went on vacation at other people's expense. Mt first thought was that if I had donated money to their "cause," I might just be on my down there to get my donation back, thus further stimulating the economy as I attempted to track down these scam artists.

Then it occurred to me, its brilliant. I should also be stimulating the economy in much the same way. My concerns are of course, a bit different. I am concerned about the yacht builders and all of their suppliers. I am also concerned about the ecomomies of many of the pacific islands, who have suffered downturns from the worldwide recession. So here's the deal; send me money, enough to buy an ocean capable sailboat, provisions for at least a year, and enough to stimulate the economies of Hawaii, the Marshall Islands, Tahiti, Fiji, New Zealand, and any other islands I can reach. In return, I will quit my job, leaving an opening for someone else in the Poenix area, and take delivery on the yacht. Since I have no experience with ocean sailing or navigation, I will stimulate someone's economy as they teach me the ropes. Then I will head to the Pacific and do all I can to stimulate the economies of as many islands as you can afford to have me visit.

Remember, its for a noble cause!

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