Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not so bad after all

The final results are in from last weekend's race and I wasn't dead last. Among all beginner men, I finished 43rd out of 49. In the age appropriate category, I finished 12th out of 16. Probably the most interesting statistic (interisting statistic, isn't that an oxymoron?) was that if I finished 10 minutes faster like last year, I would have had the same place finish in my age group and would have only moved up 1 place overall. Weird.


FraSiec said...

i'm old fat and slow too. At least your competing. When is the next race?

Old Fat and Slow said...

If not sooner, then next August in Flagstaff. There is the Cave Creek Bike Festival with a 20 mile race/ride. Don't know if I will be able to make that. The Absolute bikes race in Flag is the only one I've ever done. Two years now. If I keep getting slower eavh year, they may start the clock in one year and finish in the next.