Saturday, November 1, 2008

Off the bike for a month

Until yesterday morning, I had not been on my bike since Oct 2nd. We spent about 10 days in Oregon, visiting family, then heading to Ashland OR for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Instead of renting a bike and getting in some rides, we spent the time eating, drinking, and attending the theater. The plays were great, as usual, with the most memorable being "A Comedy of Errors" set in the old west.

After Ashland, we were off to Kansas to close the sale on our house, pack up and hit the road. We didn't do too badly on the house, lost a few shirts, but kept the ones on our backs. We made a mini-vacation of the trip. Instead of bombing across the country as fast as possible, we made side trips to Sante Fe, Window Rock, Canyon de Chelly, Painted Desert and Petrified Forest National Park. Interesting sites.

Window Rock AZ

Veterns Memorial at Window Rock

Spider Point at Canyon de Chelly

Painted Desert

Petrified Forest

We arrived back in Phoenix Sunday night, and did a lot of running around until finally, Friday morning was the first opportunity to ride. PMP, only about 6 miles, but enough to know how much conditioning was lost during the month. It felt like riding in Flagstaff at 8000ft. You know the feeling, just can't get enough oxygen.

Its going to take a few rides to get back in shape.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Petrified forest is pretty cool, I can't believe it took Michele nearly to the end of our two years to make the visit.