Happy Valley Rod just opened up between 83rd Ave and Lake Pleasant Blvd. It actually has a bike lane. I decided to do a different loop today on the road bike, So I left the house in Sonoran Mtn Ranch and took 67th down to Happy valley, west to Lake Pleasant Blvd, up to Westwing Parkway, east to Jomax, east to 67th and back home.
It was a bit windy today and I took adantage as much as possible, averaging 22+ mph to Lake Pleasant Parkway. Unfortunately, the wind was out of the northeast and most of the way home is slightly uphill. Having a rather ample frontal area did not help. Overall the distance was 16.2 miles, and the average speed was 16.2. I'll let the math lovers figure out the average for the return trip.
Other than the wind, it was a beautiful morning for a ride, but it left me wishing I had chosen to go sailing instead.
Here we are battling the elements on Lake Pleasant a couple of weeks ago. Picture courtesy of Sean.